Saturday, December 1, 2007

A sunny Saturday afternoon stroll (alliteration and all!)

I have managed to procrastinate all day! Go me! Not entirely true, but I did take a walk with my camera in tow, because it was a beautiful day (if a little cold and windy). And it's not procrastination if I did stuff I HAVE to do, and I did some Christmas shopping, so that counts as being productive... So I don't have a whole lot of stories to tell, I'll just post the pictures. They're from Southbank, Parliament & Westminster Abbey, around Seven Dials and near Trafalgar Square. Not in that order, because that would be an amusing route to take...

Well, these next few deserve a bit of explanation. There are these guys who build sandcastles on the banks of the Thames, and these are a few they did today. I walked by the other day and there was one I really loved, but I didn't have my camera on me. But they always make me smile... I took some in process pictures around noon, and then they were a lot further on at about 3 when I was on my way home:

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