Thursday, May 8, 2008

Praha Day 2 and return to London

Sadly, our trip has come to and end and I am back in London while Marina is off to Espana for a couple of weeks. Today we met up with Leona at a park called Vysenev (or something), which was lovely, peaceful, and had beautiful views of the city (this is a theme of Prague, it seems). We had some tea and nursed our hangovers, and enjoyed the bright sunshine! Unfortunately we only had the morning and we had to go to the airport to catch our flights... It was really a great week.

Highlights include:
Car-bike excursion in Budapest
Maze and labyrinth at Schonbrunn
Revisiting Sissi
Cute Austrian tour guide
Seeing Leona again
Lots of sunshine
The swinging table
Spending time with Rina!

A very successful trip. We have tenatively planned a trip around Germany the first chance Marina has a week off from dental school. Now, to the grind of studying for exams!

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